Monday, December 28, 2015

"new year" new reality

as you are aware I believe "birthdays" are the beginning of everyone's new year. in my chosen spiritual belief the Norse calendar is only 5 day weeks. I have been practicing Rune master since 1995, and a devote worshiper of Freyja. Just recently Thor has become part of my  personal pantheon. I am looking into Freyr. Having received my Godi certification from the American Vinland Association, and my rune master accreditation from Eldred Thorrson's Run Guild. I realized there was someone I was failing to bond with, Odin. the master of the runes and magick. when I changed my name to show its runic values I spelled it k-e-a-t-h. the runes are kenaz, ehwaz, ansuz, thwaz and halaglaz. Ansuz is the rune of Odin.Did you ever walk into a patio glass door.? I believe I was chosen to be a rune master from birth, I was born on the 9th month, 3rd day, 3 hour. My social security number is even 2664 2+6+6+4= 18= 9 the runic holy I am re-reading ALL my rune materials and doing more reality..kith and kin I advise the same, a rut is not a ditch it is a grave.