Monday, August 17, 2015
yikes I have a ghost....OK...
Lets walk through the steps before you call someone with a trunk full of inscense or miles of cable that only raises the electromagnetic energy.first do you have a dog? cats are fimilars, Dogs are natural gate guardians, size does not matter, Temperment does not matter. the best gate guardians are medium size dogs. do not know why, they just are.Look at his or hers barking like if a stranger is around the house. pay attenton which way there ears are pointing. if they are forward look at their nose they should be sniffing, if not just a noise probly outside. Ghosts do not pass through walls, only open doors or windows. next, what did you buy? anything from a ring to a comic book to a piece of futniture you your brother and your drunken cousin had to carry could have a ghost attached to it.Finally you, are you a witch or goth, no matter how luke warm you are you have access to what is needed to extract a ghost. Never knew either with a ghost problem. now you may look like someone in their life, or a relitive who you liked or loved is around. the day you decide to walk to work or ride your bike he or she saw you and felt you were a relative or someone she or he knew. Once you have carefully walked through each of these steps you will know what you want to do next. Spirits are a whole different thing and a visit from your god or goddess will extract any unwanted spirits.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Cheap books, rich knowlege
I have a kindle and nook accounts,and a library of books by Alester Crowley the Karma sutra, Book of the Dead and of course all my Norse Vanuatu. we all should have these books special to your walk in hard copy and electronic, and like in my last post books you have not read in more than 5 years re-read.Been doing a lot of cartoons and am trying to get syndicated. gonna really try to do a post here every time I do a cartoon.. that is my oath
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