I know have a laptop and a tablet, so first of all I can do more posts [yeah right] and the tablet allows me to take pictures, i have gotten in the habit of carrying the tablet and am pretty good at keeping it charged, had a REALLY good ritual we read the scrpt off the tablet and it went pretty well, my delinquent student loan has just snaged me, I gor a call from the IRS about my account and they wanted the number off my check stubs,,that is the ultimate sign of a theif,, they want 15% of my take we go...finally meeting blot based Norse kinsmen and kinswomen, looking to do more Friths and Blots besides my own. am now a Albuquerque Browncoat, the group is based on the movie Serinity [gotta get better at spelling] i prefer the series Firefly. Ok looking for a kinswoman, who likes to ritual, tired of ignorant mind games, and i did not lose 100 lbs to be around some one who put on 100 lbs. i will be 60 years old in september weigh 195 lbs and can run like a deer my age. just putting this out there, having a lot of fun you ALL will love your golden ages, like having barns nd nobels is celebration the 75th year of the Batman july 23 at all their stores [me in costume soon to fallow ]remember mundanes = meat, your gark Godi kEATH oh again I have my chart posted anyone who can read it please let me know, if I understand it I can fix what is wrong with my life so my lst 40 are not like my curent 60.