My kith and Kin, Lords and Ladies
the only person you are in compettion with as a Witch,Warlock,Sorcersor, Wizard or Mayor McCheese is in the mirror. To many high whatevers do not know EVERYTHING going on in this or any state. I stood at a Asatru ritual for Skaldi and one of the people leading the rite said there were no Godi in New Mexico. However the American Vinland Association is alive and well through me who is "licenced" as a Godi with them I was anointed in 2000. Do not let anyone tell you about your walk. Wear the boots that you like, even if they hurt your feet, kiss Mother Toad if You want! anyone who tells you what is good for you is eithering kissing your hot witch ass or just tring to manipulate you.or both. If it does not feel right it is not right.!! do not walk the walk, stomp that walk. Do what you do and if someone does not like it, tuff shit. If you live by their rules you are stuck with their ideal on how things are, be you, not their ideal of you. your dark Godi kEATH

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Aw..Shit Jane......kinda
I went to a hear Jane Espenson speak. now for thoes of you who do not know who she is, you know what she has done, you all know her work, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly..even Gilmore Girls. How ever the last title on this list is the operative one the whole hour and a half I stayed Jane spoke maybe 10 words, some Lady who is a professor at Utah State University or a University in Utah went on and on about LGBT rights and stuff in Salt Lake City. Now I am not in the LGBT thing, I am in the Consenting adults thing, and the victimless crime thing. What you do in your bed room or temple is between your partner or Kith and Kin. I want legal prostitution.I know two women I would not mind having as wives. Now on to targeted bitching and moaning, they showed a 24 minute clip from her and a fella named Brad Bell, quite the flaming gay, their enternet series called Husbands is a "flamboyant half Brady bunch" thing. I walked out for 2 reasons, 1 lack of research, they odviouly did not see Robin Willam's movie "The Bird Cage" and 2 they are odviously targeting the Flamvoyany gay population that exsists in America. From listening to them or her, not Jane, speak for over and hour it was clear to me she does not know about the military declawing DADT you can be openly gay in the military as long as it does not interfear with doing the job, hmmmm like being a witch or fundamentalist christian in the military, they also did not seem to know 9 states have allowed marrage to same sex couples. It seemed odvious to me in their world, Ex-Mormon Bell and this Professor has not spent some time outside of their world in Utah. all in all the one reference to Buffy was a question that centered why Tara was killed, Jane's anwser, best my limited IQ could understand, was they needed a event to send Willow to the dark side for two episodes, favorite two incedentally, the only episodes I have on vhs. the good that came out of this is no one collected my $5.00 entry fee.and the Flamboyant gay enternet viewing audience has a sitcom that is Brady Bunch esk,....Jane.....come back to us........
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