Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bindrune holy water

I spent years buying holy water I t finally dawned on me after only reading a zillion stories from the eddas that I can make my own, runes on the limb from a apple or yew tree and this bind rune..duh

revenge bindrune for bullies or assholes

"New Year" resolution..kinda

My Friends
this was a good year as it ended in the number 3 (the rune holy number) I have expanded what I do and who is aware, 4 in the Norse sacred numbers is the number of stasis, of solidity and waiting, it contains power and this is one of its chief operating uses. So next year no more growth develop what we have done this year and make our harvest (money) grow. Oh and the reason I am do movie reviews is to get you out, mingle with the common folk, and to expand your imagination so your spells are greater.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Movie review, Gravity 3D

AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...that was the worst movie ever, EVERYTHING drug on and on and on and on and on and on....everybody except Sandra Bullock died EARLY and like punks. I was there cause a friend wanted to see it and no one would go, as a Godi I am obligated to do little things like this, HOWEVER if you like Sandra Bullock, if you think she is anywhere on the HOT scale, run do not walk to this movie, she is in zero gravity for 80% of the show so you are looking up and down her body as she spins around and around and around, Half an hour into the movie she takes off her space suit and is floating around in a tank top and those little shorts volleyball players wear, and she is floating around and around and around and in the end she gets wet. 3D yawn a pen floats by a wrench floats by bla bla. not my movie but got a load of orlog (karma) points, always good,, actually not even a "chick flick", but Underworld, Electra, Ultra Violet etc. are my ideal of "chick Flicks".

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thor 2 the review

GO SEE IT !!!do not wait for the DVD, except to buy it, it is the BEST MOVIE EVER !!!!!!! , Sif is fuckin hot!!!!!!!!!! and she is the same actress, for all of us over 50 Frigg is fuckin hot!!!!!!!!!! and she is the same actress, these women are highlighted more and KICK ASS the action is great, you will laugh you will cry, and for all of us who are Vanatru they use all the world names,,,!!!!! For those of you who worship Heimdall just sleep out side the theater, and he is the same actor!!!!!!!!!!!!!Matinees at the big box theaters are $7.00 and yes ladies there is serious male Asatru beefcake for you...and...seriously it was a good time, I was shocked, the ads did the movie justice. a good time for you and your witch, the kids can come, but why,? have fun with your witch or warlock.....GOOD MOVIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh...sorry about the profanity...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Movie and thanks

, witcjes,warlocks, magik curious.
If you stopped by the Albuquerque Pagan Pride day I want to thank you, if you donated food you saw my face thank you much you fed a lot of people for at least a month. Iron man 3 GOOD take Micky Rourke and Scarlet Johansen out of  Iron man 2 and it would be better, I am a LONG time Mandarin fan, comic books or the cartoon, as a rule I am a solid Bat guy, but when the mandarin  shows I always am interested, I didn't like how he was portrayed later in he movie but it grew on me cause the actor was really good. defiantly worth $1.20 at red-box.  Oh GI Joe Retaliation, good, Pain and Gain really disturbing.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

HAppy New Year ie: my birthday

Unlike all the rest of the world my new year starts September 3rd, the day I was born, When I do my Norse ritual I love to include three things, a brag, a boast and a oath, a Brag, if any of you are in or around Albuquerque New Mexico, on September 29th is the Pagan Pride event, Bataan Park bring a can of food for the homeless. November 8th I will be doing rune readings at the 1st Unitarian church Carlisle and Comanche, then at the same place on the 9th we will be doing a arts and crafts / psychic faire same place. A boast. I was leaving my bank and the only two vehicles in the parking lot was mine and a new ford explorer with Jesus stickers on the bumpers, the windows were about 3" down. When I open my door a little yappy dog jumped up on the arm rest, scared the shit out of me. At that point I had a true evil thought.on the seat of my truck was a sports bottle with water in it. if I had squirted his little ass and the arm rest when his owners arrived they would kick his little ass, and would not realize there was no smell till well after, there were no other cars or people in the lot, a true evil thought, did no do it.. getting soft in my golden oath...that will change, and I will keep you posted. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

new crap, old ways

I have not done a post in a long time because i upgraded to a only took me a week to get the date and time right and the wallpaper I want in. I am personally waiting for "the comet" to fly over and wipe out the technology, I do not beleve it will destroy all technology, what is hard wired or steam run, and will survive, but it will throw us back far enough to where we will hav like CB s and total steam punk equipment. I do not think there is enough water to power all things but we will be more healthy riding on bicycles connected to generators to keep batteries charged for lighting open pit or bar-b-Que dinners, creative ways to store food and a lot more folks gardening and community gatherings (?) law enforcement will be like in the "wild" west but all civilizations worked through this and the smart people will survive the "idiots" will be in jail or just hanged. Myself and three friends prayed to Thor and Albuquerque has so much rain the nits stopped bitching about the drought and are now bitching about their yards flooding,The gods and agoddesses are still out there and we will survive, zombies or not. :-)  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

radio / music stations

AS a Norse / Ceremonial Warlock my music is not rand B. I like metal. I have seen Metallica 3 times. Ozfest twice. I have all Kitties albums, and yea the new Black Sabbath cooks. Lita ford is still the hottest metal woman in my universe. Joan Jett still makes me hot. But I really recommend Pandora Radio. it is a free app, it costs if you do not want commercials, which I do want it anchors me to Middlert. you can go in and choose a radio station I chose Viking radio, in the metal group, EVERY SONG KICKS. not all are in English, but then I like Rammstien a lot, they do a killer take on Snow White called "Sonne" "Dieses Lied", she spanks them and snorts gold. You can check it out on U tube, anyway check out Viking Radio, metal category on Pandora..Oh Jack the - so. it was not really worth the $1.28 Redbox I paid, not really gritty enough for me.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

money spell

Before I get into this I have another movie review the prefect chick / dude flick, your heart will break in the end the hero evolves and the "kung-fu" action is so really good all I have to say is the main star is Jet Li, the movie is the Sorcerer and the white snake. there are subtitles which wash out in the light scenes but that means nothing, committed witch / warlocks etc will really like this movie.
Now money spells. the three most petitioned spells in man kind are in this order money, love, revenge. casinos are built to push fate and chance for money, porn is to push an ideal of love and Hollywood is making countless millions in revenge images.
If you are any version of Christian forget this. Christ got after Judas for his ideals on money, he also sold out Christ for silver money. Don't bother with the King Solomon  that was old Testament, You are living in the new dispensation. a money spell may get you a job but it will not be from you calling on Jesus, in his words he has gone to be with his father and has left you his spirit to help, so suck it up and go work overtime.
Oh and the casinos, I sure your spirit will show favor in a building that pays in shinny silver discs, actually I think if Christians gave their change away to the homeless begging on the street it would help, the distaste of silver and all.
 The rest of you here is your formula, green, red, white candles, a clean table in a clean room, sweep with incense, Solomon seal, five finger grass and  dragon's blood, burn the incense so there is a toxic cloud of death,smoke has to get in EVERY CORNER OF THE ROOM sparse furniture, no pictures of family or friends ( their energy may be adverse to your spell work)set the candle at each corner corresponding with the same elements and direction, leave the incense burning even when it goes out leave it. only change ANYTHING when you feel the spell has occurred.A image of your God or Goddess on the alter, if you do not believe in Gods or Goddesses a picture of your Hero, Batman, Wonder woman, whoever,
and oh put your finest on the alter not just anything. draw a pentagram in the center put a silver coin at each point the lines intersect. once you have done this take a bath, add salt Pete to the water and think about your bank account and wallet. sit in the water based on your holy number , in the Norse it would be 3, 6, 9 minutes etc.put on cloths with the same colors as the candles or do not dress at all.
feeling sexually aroused is a good sign. However this is not sex magik, do not touch anyone.
say out loud what you want, and say it like you mean it, declare it while lighting the candles in the order of your faith, if it is in the Norse and you worship Freyja you would start in the west. when you finish make sure anyone in the house does not defile the alter. keep the words you spoke in the water constantly on your mind and lips. visualization and belief are the keys.
think of this like you are looking for a job. and believe in it like you would believe you will find a job.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Look what a insane daddy did

When you get old, 50s and you realize life is good just dotted with jerk-offs, have fun..I am having more fun now than any time in the past. Why because I am around people who are as mental as me, So when the police wants to swab your cheek for DNA...guess what cheek they should see.

Movie review for Witches and Warlocks

I have probably recommended Hansel and Gretel Witch hunters, it is now out on DVD unfortunately the extended version is only on blue ray. However BUY IT ANYWAY !!! great family fun and the pricks really get it, the guy who was Hawk-eye in the Avengers is in it.The woman who was in Clash of the titans plays Gretel and the french villain who was into torture in The Brothers Grimm is the head villain and he has aged very well he has put on weight, but it suits him really good, rock in special effects and 90% of the fight scenes are between men and women but they are THE BEST  fights I haves ever seen, the stunt women in the movie FUCK IN rock. if this movie is not in your collection..lighten up. Now Beautiful Creatures is a witch coming of age movie and is really good, it should be in your collection next to The Craft. Jeromy Irons is  great as the head of the clan, how the "evil" witch manipulate men and young boys is very accurate and the black woman who plays a medium is perfect for today. The premise is how we can not date mortals. I have a problem sitting through movies where they are based in the deep south but between the movie look and only the fanatic Christians have that heavy "corn-pone" accent. Makes it easy to watch, I could not work with it running in the background, VERY sexy but you see no skin. The story line is a lot like Carrie 2. Definitely worth the $1.20 red box charges to rent it.Run do not walk $14.99 for Hansel and Gretel no excuse not to have it. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Spreading your word, let your witchy flag fly

Yea !! The local heavy metal hard rock station had a smoker's day. They went out on the smoker's patio at the radio station and broadcasted all their 3 hours from there. they had some one from the local cigar shop come in and bring different cigars. I showed up with the list of herbs that could be smoked, and not get you high, tobbacco substitutes. I targeted the ones that had medical benefits and 2 for fun. at the end of my presentation they announced me as their official Warlock. Do this do not hide in a corner let the world know you are there only we , Witches, Warlocks, Sorcersors, Wizards and New Age  practitioners will save the world when the time comes.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Alter table

There is no reason any Witch, Warlock or New Aged anyone should not have a alter table. If you are worshipping in the Norse Reconstructionist ideal like me this is the type of alter table you should have, it shows the nine directions representing the nine elements, the nine worlds, the colors are the runic red and earth brown, your alter is where the Gods and Goddesses look. Pinch pennies elsewhere not on your alter.This alter I built and hand painted, on each leg are the runic names of the Norns, people want this table more than me.  

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sex magik is not fucking your girlfriend

OK I have this more than I want, but No you and your girlfriend for whatever number of years, or months or days or hours, some pentagrams and red candles that look like a topless Freyja, having wild intercourse is not sex magik. Go ahead try it, nothing you invoke will happen.
If it was that easy Prostitution would be legal and there would be no STDs. Period. The reason fucking your girlfriend is not sex magik is because your energy's are mingled. Like going to Starbucks buying your latte Mocha BS with whip cream. The cute girl with the nice tits is waiting on you. As you stare down her polo shirt at her cleavage she stirs up the whip cream till it is gone.
That is not how it is served.
That is why there are Doctors, Lawyers and Dentists, you can go to any drug store or online to Legal Zoom and dork around and get lucky and solve your tooth ache or law suit but eventually you will need a professional. In this case a High Priestess or priest, and big news boys just because a hot Tantric priestess or a buff Warlock walks in the door you may not be the one who she works with, male and female energies are distinct energies in nature depending on the spell depends on the person, yin yang.
That is why some plants and animals are mulitsexual and no you can not watch. She /he will come in explain the process, set up the room do the ritual with who SHE chooses and you will compensate her / him.He / she will not steal your boy friend / girl friend and will not sit around shooting the bull before or after. One word of important advice, if the Priestess / Priest comes with a partner and wants to include them DO NOT DO IT.This is a sacred rite to you, not a recreational activity! No whips no chains and your ideals on what is done is Nil. Tell your dentist when to give you a root canal.
Oh Yes all you High Priests who think this does not apply to you , big surprise! it will turn on you, because you know better- you are not above nature.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Guns and warlocks ??

Kith and Kin
Spare me Asatru and Vanatru with is my observation that people are more afrade of being hurt than killed, who likes a paper cut. Crack a scroll, save a braincell, dive into the history of your walk, find the weaponds of your gods and stock up on them, if it is Diana get a crossbow, I have axes and knives everywhere, oh and two dogs with big teeth...and my chickens are bitches too.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Tattoo

I finally found a tat artist who is really good, this one speaks to my Scottish heritage through my an-sisters slave masters I am chosen as a Rune master so I combined a bit of my Viking rune attitude, sorry this post took so long but I am determining to make each Wednesday post day. Oh if you are in Albuquerque NM I am doing a Ostara ritual at the UU church on the corner of Carlisle and Comanche it will be totally Norse and include a Seith march 3oth at 6pm.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So What !

My kith and Kin, Lords and Ladies
the only person you are in compettion with as a Witch,Warlock,Sorcersor, Wizard or Mayor McCheese is in the mirror. To many high whatevers do not know EVERYTHING going on in this or any state. I stood at a Asatru ritual for Skaldi and one of the people leading the rite said there were no Godi in New Mexico. However the American Vinland Association is alive and well through me who is "licenced" as a Godi with them I was anointed in 2000. Do not let anyone tell you about your walk. Wear the boots that you like, even if they hurt your feet, kiss Mother Toad if You want! anyone who tells you what is good for you is eithering kissing your hot witch ass or just tring to manipulate you.or both. If it does not feel right it is not right.!! do not walk the walk, stomp that walk. Do what you do and if someone does not like it, tuff shit. If you live by their rules you are stuck with their ideal on how things are, be you, not their ideal of you.  your dark Godi kEATH

Friday, February 15, 2013

Aw..Shit Jane......kinda

I went to a hear Jane Espenson speak. now for thoes of you who do not know who she is, you know what she has done, you all know her work, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly..even Gilmore Girls. How ever the last title on this list is the operative one the whole hour and a half I stayed Jane spoke maybe 10 words, some Lady who is a professor at Utah State University or a University in Utah went on and on about LGBT rights and stuff in Salt Lake City. Now I am not in the LGBT thing, I am in the Consenting adults thing, and the victimless crime thing. What you do in your bed room or temple is between your partner or Kith and Kin. I want legal prostitution.I know two women I would not mind having as wives. Now on to targeted bitching and moaning, they showed a 24 minute clip from her and a fella named Brad Bell, quite the flaming gay, their enternet series called Husbands is a "flamboyant half Brady bunch" thing. I walked out for 2 reasons, 1 lack of research, they odviouly did not see Robin Willam's movie "The Bird Cage" and 2 they are odviously targeting the Flamvoyany gay population that exsists in America. From listening to them or her, not Jane, speak for over and hour it was clear to me she does not know about the military declawing DADT you can be openly gay in the military as long as it does not interfear with doing the job, hmmmm like being a witch or fundamentalist christian in the military, they also did not seem to know 9 states have allowed marrage to same sex couples. It seemed odvious to me in their world, Ex-Mormon Bell and this Professor has not spent some time outside of their world in Utah. all in all the one reference to Buffy was a question that centered why Tara was killed, Jane's anwser, best my limited IQ could understand, was they needed a event to send Willow to the dark side for two episodes, favorite two incedentally, the only episodes I have on vhs. the good that came out of this is no one collected my $5.00 entry fee.and the Flamboyant gay enternet viewing audience has a sitcom that is Brady Bunch esk,....Jane.....come back to us........ 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hansel and Greta opinion

Fellow Witches and Warlocks
Run do not walk to this movie it will fall into my chic flick section with all 3 Underworlds, Electra, Ultra Violet, etc. Ther best line in the movie is Greta's first line. they do a great job of honoring the difference betwee light (white) and dark (black) witches. and treat each equally. There are many cool examples of what a Book of Shadows should look like. and the just desert is handed out just like you want. they also honor the fantasy aspect of the original fairy tale, one warning make sure you go to a really early show, after 3pm it cost me $10.25 and $8.25 for a juinor popcorn and junior mints. definatly hit the dollar store candy isle before you go AND DO NOT BLINK DURING THE MOVIE it hops from the ist minute to the last and even during the credits...oh no kids, hot white witch naked body alert.  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Who is Paranormal Occult Inc

Who is Paranormal Occult Inc and what do we do? We are the knowlege resource between the living and the dead, spirits, enties or weirdos.We believe in everything, UFOs, Bigfoot, Greys. We have seen many Shadow People and Angels, put down Psychic Vampyres and helped others  meet their Vampire Lovers.Our background is in Ceremonial Witchcraft, Norse Magik including Runes. We have been ministers and Chairmen of the Deacon Board in the Southern Baptist Convention. We are versed in Ghost hunting, Pranic Healing, Dragon Lore, Necronomancy, Bible history and mythology and the various forms of Natural Healing, candle magik, spell work, and most forms of Mythology including Magical Creatures. We are currently studing to be a Master Gardener, and are into fitness.There is nothing that we can be asked that we find strange or funny, and we take all calls seriously. Eventhough we like to use quotes from our favorite movies do not be fooled we are not kidding, We will walk away from anyone who thinks what we do is a joke, no matter how urgent your problem is to you. we do not charge for phone consultations, and will talk freely. If we go out on a call it is $25.00 when we see your face and $25.00 each hour or part of an hour after that. Our goal is to strenth the community so you do not live in fear. Reyn til Runa..your dark Godi kEATH