Thursday, July 29, 2010

bindrune sketch

Sitting at work, on public transit, riding with someone, there is no place you can work on a spell or text. these are on post-it notes it is so old I do not have the reason for it in my head however the runes are Fehu, mobile or transferable power.
Wunjo, the power sympathetic beings have for one and another. Eihwaz, communication.
Ehwaz the harmonious relationship between two forces.
Pertho, the law of which gods and men are governed.
If this bind rune is invoked any situation it should go smoothly as long as the people are consciously working any situation. This bind rune is very crude once refined and the proper chants done, very powerful. Remember the larger the rune the more powerful.

Friday, July 16, 2010

inspirational movies

I just saw the Sorcerer's Apprentice. a lot of very good tie ins to Merlin, practice in doing spell work, clothing and artifacts.
Here are a list of more, no one of these movies should be a model for the solitary witch, but if you are inspired to be like me and believe that there is usable information in movies then I advise you to watch these movies along with the history and documentary channels on cable also and to stay grounded watch local news.
The Craft / good for developing a coven and how to use a occult bookstore.
Practical Magic / what not to do and how to blend into society.
The Covenant / love of family your coven and a your mate.
Hellboy 1 and 2/ how to use and appreciate artifacts.
Constantine / appreciation of artifacts and the importance of knowing your history in relation to your path.
The Di Vinci code, Angels and Demons / how to use your second sight, VERY IMPORTANT.
The Ninth Gate / the importance of old books their information and art.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This one is to put the spark back into, or enhance a relationship. The one on the left is my adaptation of this rune from the Galdrabok. Remember entroducing magik into a relationship you will need to accept the consequences good or bad.

Destruction for change

My soulmate witch asked for a bindrune for her friend who had to be around someone who molested her. I told her if she was not going to "out" him do not go. This bindrune combined with the phrase from the Galdrabok as part of a tine will do the job, as it stands it lacks his name as a bindrune in each diamond arrow. This is designed like a Ninja throwing star.and yes it is Thurasaz, destruction for change.

correct mosh binerune

This is what the bindrune for my friend Mosh should look like. My mentor Wren corrected it. The Sowilo rune in the middle is really good, cause the problem we have with judging people or situations with what we see with the light of just the torch is contained.

mosh binrune

The first wizard I met here let merepresent the god in his ritual, he did not blink when I volunteered he got hit by a car while riding his bikeand this is his his healing binrune, my main mentor says the vertical line stops the energy I beleve she is right all the news concerning Mosh's status has stopped, but if there is bad news it will travel.

chain tine / relationship

I call this a chain tine because it has my binerune and the person's bindrune who is having the problem. The power travels down through me to them then to the tine, this energy also travels back up. Bindrunes work alone but this way I have discovered travels faster to the person needing the spell.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The begining

This blog is to send magik help to those who need it, who are not fooled by the paranoid, and who believe. Be aware that the spells and talisman are not complete because we as entities are individuals.Do not be fooled and if you read my profile I am not fooled, Reyn til Runa!