paranormal Occult Inc

Sunday, December 31, 2017
psychic-zombie Apocalypse
right now we are in this event, right now. politicians are sucking the life out of people with their laws and favors to big corporations. they are the zombies. the poor the victims. be ready pick up bartering.witches and warlocks will save the planet, as she fights them.
Monday, December 28, 2015
"new year" new reality
as you are aware I believe "birthdays" are the beginning of everyone's new year. in my chosen spiritual belief the Norse calendar is only 5 day weeks. I have been practicing Rune master since 1995, and a devote worshiper of Freyja. Just recently Thor has become part of my personal pantheon. I am looking into Freyr. Having received my Godi certification from the American Vinland Association, and my rune master accreditation from Eldred Thorrson's Run Guild. I realized there was someone I was failing to bond with, Odin. the master of the runes and magick. when I changed my name to show its runic values I spelled it k-e-a-t-h. the runes are kenaz, ehwaz, ansuz, thwaz and halaglaz. Ansuz is the rune of Odin.Did you ever walk into a patio glass door.? I believe I was chosen to be a rune master from birth, I was born on the 9th month, 3rd day, 3 hour. My social security number is even 2664 2+6+6+4= 18= 9 the runic holy I am re-reading ALL my rune materials and doing more reality..kith and kin I advise the same, a rut is not a ditch it is a grave.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Samhaim (Halloween) fun
I helped with the ritual I should have done, went to work as the Oakland Raider Wizard, one of 3 personas. gave out candy hung out with a friend and watched the animated Batman vs Dracula. 2 things, not for family not for work not for penis or vagina, stay who you are. be it Goth, Vampyre, Pagan, Wiccan. 2) stay serious. Going to do Rune readings this Friday for the CUUPs group I walked away from . I am serious about being taken seriously. they did not I did not stay, but at my friends Samhaim ritual I helped with there were
3 men in dresses, one way too short, not kilts or sarongs, not bi-sexual or not know what or why all I know is I am no longer any version of eclectic it seem like a excuse to be weird or just strange, lacking basics. and this CUUPs group appeared to have lost this. I like being taken seriously but I also do not desert friends unless they lose it. I now fully understand why Merlin lived the way he did.

Sunday, October 25, 2015
movie review / last witch hunter
RUN DO NOT WALK to this was really good .they did A lot of things I had not seen before in 60 years of movie watching . it was climatically as good as Hansel and Gretel witch hunters and The Seventh Son. Vin Diesel is not a Fast and Furious persona rolled over to a witch movie. he is a mature caractor, uses common sense in his work and spell working and appears older and wiser. Not a Vin Diesel fan per se and would have liked an older grey haired person to do the part but it was worth the money, the actor who played his second played Alfred in the Christian Bale Batman series, both were good together and you will love the Ipod vs the leather bound book of shadows "controversy", I have both. Go and be inspired, do not wait for Redbox or netflix, you will miss a lot of good detail. FANTASTIC SAMHAIN (Halloween celebration )MOVIE take your favorite eclectic or new age girl or will have fun!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
sorry I have not been around more but living the life of Merlin in this day and age is very busy. there are meetings and classes to keep my Master Gardener credentials. Democratic party. Black Cacuas meetings. keeping my editorial cartooning blog going. and of course working grave-shift. taking care of the dogs and chickens and the garden, I am working trying to set up the flowers to be the ones to aide beneficial insects and grow so the pollinators travel the whole yard not just one area. then there are interpersonal relationships...bla..bla. The main thing now is setting up the Albuquerque Pagan Pride Harvest Festival, I am down to the small things ,signs parking spots but this Sunday should be is the only festival i really do however I really should start attending the small local rituals, not going to find a female heathen to be interpersonal with being a fake solitaire also going to re-join the union, several city councilors are supporting me for head of the Bernillio County Democratic Party chairmanship. looking to retire in 3 years and finding a nice partime job working a bar or nursery. Hey run for office only us witches and new age types are going to save the planet..xo your dark Godi kEATH
Monday, August 17, 2015
yikes I have a ghost....OK...
Lets walk through the steps before you call someone with a trunk full of inscense or miles of cable that only raises the electromagnetic energy.first do you have a dog? cats are fimilars, Dogs are natural gate guardians, size does not matter, Temperment does not matter. the best gate guardians are medium size dogs. do not know why, they just are.Look at his or hers barking like if a stranger is around the house. pay attenton which way there ears are pointing. if they are forward look at their nose they should be sniffing, if not just a noise probly outside. Ghosts do not pass through walls, only open doors or windows. next, what did you buy? anything from a ring to a comic book to a piece of futniture you your brother and your drunken cousin had to carry could have a ghost attached to it.Finally you, are you a witch or goth, no matter how luke warm you are you have access to what is needed to extract a ghost. Never knew either with a ghost problem. now you may look like someone in their life, or a relitive who you liked or loved is around. the day you decide to walk to work or ride your bike he or she saw you and felt you were a relative or someone she or he knew. Once you have carefully walked through each of these steps you will know what you want to do next. Spirits are a whole different thing and a visit from your god or goddess will extract any unwanted spirits.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Cheap books, rich knowlege
I have a kindle and nook accounts,and a library of books by Alester Crowley the Karma sutra, Book of the Dead and of course all my Norse Vanuatu. we all should have these books special to your walk in hard copy and electronic, and like in my last post books you have not read in more than 5 years re-read.Been doing a lot of cartoons and am trying to get syndicated. gonna really try to do a post here every time I do a cartoon.. that is my oath
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